Played By Women
Hussein meets the widow Samia, it turns out that he resembles her husband Hosni and they get married. He then meets Kawtar, who chases him everywhere, while a gang kidnappes Hussein, thinking that he's Hosni their leader. While Kawtar realizes the truth because she had a relationship with Hosni.
Duration:1h 44min
Release date :1979
  • حسن الصيفي (مخرج ) محمد النجار
  • Hassan Al Saifi
  • ناهد شريف
  • سمير غانم
  • صفية العمري
  • صلاح نظمي
  • علي الشريف
  • أحمد الحداد
  • Nahed Sherif
  • Samir Ghanem
  • Safia El Emary
  • Salah Nazmi
  • Ali Al Sharif
  • Ahmad Al Haddad